Breakthrough, Breakthrough, Breakthrough

breakthrough time Mar 03, 2023

I remember seeing person after person getting their breakthrough. Truly I don’t know if I did this knowingly or unknowingly but I know I asked the question at least once.

“When is mine coming?”

                    “When am I going to get breakthrough?”

Breakthrough wouldn’t be half as significant if you could make it happen yourself. But since it HAS to come from God….

         ….. it can be a tad bit frustrating (by a tad I mean a ton!!)

  I remember being desperate for something to break open for us. I was tithing, giving offerings, sowing seeds all the things I know to do. It still seemed like t-i-m-e was moving s-o-o-o-o  s-l-o-o-o-w and no matter what I did I could not make it happen.

I found out quickly, you just can’t make a breakthrough happen before it’s time.


Because the truth is…you…are…not…ready.


Isaiah 60:22 When the time is right I, the Lord will make it happen: 

 In this verse it says God will make it happen when the time is right. So if it ain’t happening one can conclude the timing ain’t right.

 If you are not seeing breakthrough in your life ask God these 3 questions.


  1. God where is my breakthrough at?
  2. Am I doing anything to hold it up?
  3. Can I do anything to accelerate it?


Then wait on the Lord.

…See I know breakthrough is coming. I have witnessed to many in my own life to think other wise.


…I also know it can seem like an eternity between breakthroughs.


…I also know

                     .....breakthroughs are always right on time



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