Huh? What did you say?

good things from god Nov 04, 2022

Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Ephesians 1:15-16 NKJV)

It’s obvious to the apostle Paul, in this Scripture, the importance of revelation knowledge from the Lord. When God reveals to you a truth from His Word, that revelation always causes you to have an “Aha” moment. That truth brings peace to your soul like a cool drink of water on a hot day.

Jerry Sevelle puts it this way: 

Revelation knowledge of the Word of God determines how you react to the situations you are currently facing. For instance, do you really believe that …

  • You are special to God?
  • You are God’s most prized possession?
  • You are washed by the blood of Jesus from every sin, weakness, and failure?
  • You are holy, blameless, and above reproach in His sight?
  • You are crowned with glory and honor?
  • You have authority over every circumstance in your life?
  • God wants to turn every adversity into a victory?
  • God wants to turn every stumbling block into a steppingstone?
  • God wants to give you good things?

If you don’t have a revelation of a particular Biblical truth, then you can’t walk in it. 

See, Beautiful People, without revelation knowledge you will not live the abundant life of Christ we are told about in John 10:10.

Revelation knowledge comes through reading, meditating and talking to God. Once you have the revelation then God is going to start speaking to you in a still small voice in your Spirit.


I find that the way you listen to people is the way you listen to God. 

Are you constantly distracted on your phone while someone is talking to you? Are you intently listening to what the person is saying or are you already coming up with your witty answer?

How involved are you in the conversations of the ordinary people around you on a day to day basis? 

Honestly, most people just need to shut up and listenStop talking while God is talking. Just sit and listen. Then ask questions like you would if you had just been handed a priceless piece of art. 

Focus, Focus, Focus. I don’t want your mind to wander on this part either. Why? 

Because God is talking to you about your future and you are missing it. 

You are where you are today because of the attention you gave God yesterday.

So starting right now, I want you to listen on purpose. There’s an easy way to train for it.

Today, I want you to pick a person and have a real conversation with them. One where you ask interesting questions and then you intently listen for them to tell you their heart.

This, Beautiful People, is real revelation.



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