If I Had A Million Dollars

financial freedom Oct 07, 2022


 Wow, that’s a lot of money. What I would do if I had a million dollars?

No, actually that’s really not enough. What I really need is to win the lottery. Man, now that’s where the real money is.

Have you ever said that to yourself? I must confess, Beautiful People, I thought for a lot of years that I had a money problem and that the lottery would solve it all. It’s something everybody thinks about at some point.

But there is evidence that says differently. People win the lottery all the time and are right back where they started within 5 years. Athletes become rich only to lose it all by the end of their careers. Basically, money tends to come and go for most people.

My son and I were having this conversation today, and being the genius I know him to be, he asked this question.

Which one of these would you rather have? $1,000,000 right now, or exact change for what ever you bought for the rest of your life? 

That got my brain firing on all cylinders. Of course, my first instinct was to take the million and run. But then I thought about it a little more.

The Bible says that God supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory, not ours. God even goes so far as to say that He gives seed to the sower. Since God supplies our needs, we don’t have to have a large lump sum, we can just take whatever we need, whenever we need it. A million dollars is just a million dollars. Exact change is infinite.

 Buying a car? Exact change. Buying a ? Exact change. Buying an education? Forget student loans, you’ve got exact change.

 So what does this have to do with you? Well, I’m so glad you asked. If you got $1,000,000 today, you run the risk of it going through your hands as grains of sand. Statistically speaking, that’s almost definitely what would happen.

 If you operate in the Kingdom of God, there is an endless supply. There is no lack in God’s Kingdom, and believers have access to all of it.

 All of God’s glorious riches belong to you. Does the Queen of England write herself a check for $1,000,000? No way. She doesn’t need to. Her wealth is supplied by her country. The Queen buys whatever she wants, whenever she wants it.

 God is your Father. There is no lack in His Kingdom. Gold is asphalt. So today, and from this day forward I want you to know that you already have the exact change to buy what ever you have need of for the rest of your life.

 Now that, Beautiful People, is worth more than $1,000,000.00.


If you are a Kingdom Leader ready to position yourself for YOUR Wealth Transfer...
...ready to discover how you can have a GREATER IMPACT
...and make a HUGE DIFFERENCE in the lives of others
...while learning to EFFECTIVELY MONETIZE your assignment
...so you can do what you love while walking in YOUR HIGHEST CALL 
then join other highest called Leaders in Kingdom Leaders Academy where Kingdom Leaders learn to create wealth. 

Kingdom Leader Academy is a group of Christian entrepreneurs, business owners, ministry leaders, wealth creators and Kingdom Influencers who believe in the power of partnership. Membership gives you access to exclusive content, early access to upcoming products, and tools to jump headfirst into freeing your financial future.


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