Lights, Camera, Action

faith and finance Sep 02, 2022

Hello Beautiful People.

Do you ever feel like you’re in a bad movie? Like you're just waiting for the director to yell “Cut! That’s a wrap!”

Sometimes it feels like somebody wrote you into a terrible script and you’re just waiting for the happy ending where you wake up from a coma and win the lottery, then everything turns around for you and you live happily ever after.

Remember Groundhog Day? Every morning Bill Murray’s character woke up to the exact same day, every day. Day after day after day for over 30 years. He finally learned that in order to come out of that day he had to make different choices. 

Well, Beautiful People, that is exactly where I was. I was working in a job and every day seemed like a repeat of yesterday. Each day was basically the same day except for a few minor details. It was exhausting

I think that is where they got the joke about “I owe, I owe so off to work I go.” You get the picture. Maybe you’re living it.

I’ve got good news for you. That’s not the way God intended for you to live. God wants you to wake everyday with happiness and excitement of what each day brings. We were meant  to stay and live in a place of peace and rest. 

But who can rest with all of those bills that need to be paid? Or all those hours you have to put in just to make your paycheck stretch far enough to make ends meet?

I believe that most people would give anything for their situation to change, it’s just that they have no clue how to change it. 


Ta da…

Good news for you.

You are the script writer of your own story. You get to choose how your life will go. Today, choose life. Choose to come out from among the dead into the land of the living. 

God has a unique plan just for you. He has a purpose that only you can fulfill.  When you follow the script that was created just for you, you get to live every day happily ever after, because that happily ever after begins with saying yes to God’s plan.

Today take the time to get alone with God and let Him tell you what step you need to take right now to change the direction you are headed. 

Then wait for it…..









If you are a Kingdom Leader ready to position yourself for YOUR Wealth Transfer...
...ready to discover how you can have a GREATER IMPACT
...and make a HUGE DIFFERENCE in the lives of others
...while learning to EFFECTIVELY MONETIZE your assignment you can do what you love while walking in YOUR HIGHEST CALL 
then join other highest called Leaders in Kingdom Leaders Academy where Kingdom Leaders learn to create wealth. 

Kingdom Leader Academy is a group of Christian entrepreneurs, business owners, ministry leaders, wealth creators and Kingdom Influencers who believe in the power of partnership. Membership gives you access to exclusive content, early access to upcoming products, and tools to jump headfirst into freeing your financial future.


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