Prosperity Preachers Say What?

Hey Beautiful People!

One of the questions I’m most often asked (or more accurately, confronted with) is “Are you one of those prosperity preachers?” Or phrased a different way: "Don't tell me you are a prosperity preacher."

I'm like "Nah, I believe in being poor for the Lord. Since you do too, why don't you give me all your money?” That miiiight be a little too sarcastic, but I think it’s funny.

Christian people seem to have a tendency to believe in being poor when they’re giving an offering but themselves being rich when they go shopping. Have you ever noticed how some people pat themselves on the back for giving $20 in an offering, or leaving more than 10% for a tip but when it comes to their shopping brag about that purse they spent $100 on? “Girl, this thing was $300. I got it for a steal and only gave $100 for it.”

Of course that's not you, beautiful people. You would never do that. But since we started this conversation about those other people, let’s continue it and put truth to the prosperity message. 

All I need from you is to send me your $33.33 and in 33 days you are going to be 33 percent richer.

Just kidding. 

For real, putting all joking aside, here is what the Bible says about giving. 

2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

I know the Biblical principle of giving has been manipulated and perverted. But if we study our bibles for ourselves, the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth, even when it comes to money. God says that His people perish for lack of knowledge. 

When you finish reading this blog post you will not be ignorant, beautiful people. You might still buy that $300 purse for $100 but at least now you’ll know what you’re doing. 

So. On to the $300 purse. Do I believe that you got a bargain? Yes. Do I believe that your money would be better spent in an offering? Well, yes and no. Most people giving sparingly but want to reap bountifully, but that’s just not how it works. You have to give at the level God tells you to give, not at the level you have been manipulated into giving.

God doesn't care what kind of purse you buy or how much you spend on it. What God does care about is whether you’re paying tithes and giving to the poor.

I am going to let the cat out of the bag and answer that infamous question.




Yes, I am one of those prosperity preachers. 

YES! I am a prosperity preacher and I’m not ashamed of it. Because the last time I checked, Satan was tying to take my money, not give it to me. In the words of Jesse Duplantis "Satan has never once tempted me to pay my tithes."

When I get ready to give my tithes it seems like there is always some shiny new thing I need to spend my tithes on. Like rent. Or food. Or electricity. Never once can I ever remember Satan telling me to give my tithes. He always tells me not to pay them or I am going to miss bills and be on the street and then I’m gonna get involved in some shady stuff because I need the money and I’m gonna end up getting arrested or killed or strung out in a back alley somewhere and I won’t be able to get into a shelter because all the spots are full and then I’ll have to sleep in the cold and who knows if I’ll even survive the night and…

You get the idea. 

You know Satan is the father of all lies, right? Then why do we fight against God giving us money and not Satan taking it? It's because we have been ignorant. 

We are supposed to give out of our need, not hold back out of our greed. 

Greed will say that you don't have enough and will make you hoard. Need will say that you reap what you sow, and allow you to give freely. If I meet your need then God will meet mine.

It’s probably controversial to say, but poor people tend to be some of the greediest people I’ve ever met. Their fear causes them to hoard everything they can get because they’re afraid to lose what they do have. But the richest people I know are some of the most generous. The same principle is reflected in the parable of the sower in Matthew. I had a preacher once tell me that you have to go through the greedy to get to the needy. When we were doing street outreach ministry I could see how true that really was.

The good news, beautiful people, is that you ain’t poor no more. From this day forward the real prosperity message is going to be on you like white on rice. You won't be able to get rid of it. 

Prosperity is not a mind set of “how much money can I pack in the bank?” Prosperity is a mindset  of “how can I help God's kingdom advance and help show his love for all people?" When you have that mindset, my friend, you have achieved true prosperity. 




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