You Qualify

Hey Beautiful People!

If you’ve ever applied for a loan, “You qualify” are magical words to hear. Especially if it’s one that you think is going to take you into financial freedom.  After all, why wait until you have the cash to buy something when you can have it all and have it all right now?

If you’ve ever applied for any type of loan, whether it be for a credit card, a new car or a home loan,  I’m sure at some point you’ve heard or read the words “You Qualify.”

We accept all of these credit offers because, after all, they tell us that we are worthy of the loan. Because we qualify.

We want to be acknowledged, accepted and appreciated, and for someone to say we matter is so rare these days that when someone says we do, we jump at the chance to say “Why yes, yes I do.”

Most days we are made to feel awful about who we are, so to make ourselves feel better and relieve some of the stress of everyday life we decide that what we really need is more stuff, because the world says that More StuffTM will make us happy.

Don’t get me wrong, I love shiny new things and boy oh boy do I ever love “stuff.” But some time ago I came to realize that it was all just, well, stuff. If I was to be  truly happy and live in financial freedom I had to change my “stuff mentality.”


Because it’s the relationship with the Lord that makes us truly happy. Look at all the famous people in Hollywood with all their money, glitz and glamor. Yet they change spouses quicker than the weather changes in North Carolina.

Now… that brings me to the most important thing you need to know.

The day you became a born again Christian is the day you qualified for every blessing in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

  • You don’t qualify because you are a good steward of your money.
  • You don’t because you clip coupons.
  • You don’t qualify because you eat beans and rice and pay off all your credit card debt.
  • And last but not least, you don’t qualify because you have finally mastered the elusive monthly budget plan

You qualify because Jesus took all of your sins, failures, mistakes on the cross. All of them. You are like Abraham. You qualify because you believe. That’s it. Plain and simple.

There are no hoops to jump through, no circus to round up, there is even no “if only I could control my spending so I wouldn’t be in this mess.”

The Word says the righteous man falls 7 times and yet he’s called righteous because he gets back up.

It’s IN our weakness that Jesus is made strong. If you want to be financially free and you want to know if you qualify for the wealth of the Kingdom of God let me say with a shout:

Beautiful People,




If you are a Kingdom Leader ready to position yourself for YOUR Wealth Transfer...
...ready to discover how you can have a GREATER IMPACT
...and make a HUGE DIFFERENCE in the lives of others
...while learning to EFFECTIVELY MONETIZE your assignment you can do what you love while walking in YOUR HIGHEST CALL 
then join other highest called Leaders in Kingdom Leaders Academy where Kingdom Leaders learn to create wealth. 

Kingdom Leader Academy is a group of Christian entrepreneurs, business owners, ministry leaders, wealth creators and Kingdom Influencers who believe in the power of partnership. Membership gives you access to exclusive content, early access to upcoming products, and tools to jump headfirst into freeing your financial future.


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