Don't Look Back

I woke up early this morning and came across a song while doing some “research” (actually scrolling on social media) I came across a song from a band I loved as a teenager. The song title really stuck with me. I couldn’t get it out of my mind so I knew God was trying to tell me something.

Before I tell you the name of the song I want to tell you about my brother in law Roger. He is a crane operator and builds bridges for our beautiful state North Carolina.

The most danger he is in during the day is when all lanes on the highway are open. The reason is this, drivers are naturally curious of what is happening when they see a road crew working. The danger lies in the fact that drivers tend to go where they look…see where I am going here?

The driver gets distracted, heads toward the road crew and they will run right into the work area. That’s why they have cement barriers surrounding the construction zone.

So now on to the song. The song titled...

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It's Your Time To Prosper

One of the greatest feelings on this side of heaven is to wake up with a word from God.

It’s not that God spoke to me audibly this morning, it’s more like every cell in my body is in unison singing the same words.

 That’s how I woke up this morning. It’s like every fiber of my being singing “It’s your time to prosper!” I know, right now, while reading this you are as happy as a pig in mud for me.

 But, actually God wanted me to tell you, “It’s your time to prosper!”  I woke up with those words resounding in my Spirit. I knew I was to get this word out to God’s people.

I know you have been struggling for a while wondering when and if your deliverance was ever going to come. You feel like you have been going under for so long that eventually you were going to be swept away like a twig in a raging river.

 It seems like years since you had any since of a trickle in getting ahead and you couldn’t...

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