I'm Too Broke To Pay Tithes

Hello beautiful people!

I can't count the times people have said to me "I don't make enough money to pay tithes," or "I live on a fixed income so I can't pay tithes", or the famous "I can't even pay my bills how am I going to pay tithes?" 

If they were all trying to convince me that they don't have a lot of extra money lying around waiting to be spent, well... they did it. I'm convinced. Hey, who am I to argue with them? In fact, I am in TOTAL agreement.

How can I, of all people, preach about prosperity and be in agreement with people who say they are to broke to pay tithes?

Well, they made my point for me. Consider this for just a moment: What if the reason you are too broke to pay tithes is because you don't pay tithes? 

See what I did there?  Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  Of course, we know by reasoning it out that the chicken came first, or there would be NO egg. If the egg came first, there would be no chicken to hatch it out. Stick with...

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There Is No Lack Of Money

There is no lack of money. I know that's not what you beautiful people have been told but really, (really really) there is no lack of money.

Just because you are in lack, it doesn't mean there is no money. Money is printed everyday. People become millionaires and even billionaires everyday. 

So where is your money? The answer may surprise you.

Now I know you have definitely heard it said "God owns it all." Usually it's followed up by quoting Psalm 24:1 which says  The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it, as if to seal the deal on the saying.

That led me to a question. God is my Father. He has a Kingdom and I am an heir. He owns it all. So why am I still struggling?

Prince Charles doesn't have financial struggles. God is certainly a lot better than that, right? So why am I struggling?

The answer is simple. God does own it all, but He gave dominion over it to you. According to 2 Corinthians, Jesus became poor...

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Out Of Darkness

Hello beautiful people!

Have you ever had that moment where you felt like the light bulb came on? It was like you were walking in the dark and then all of a sudden - ta da! - a thought hit you, someone said something or you read something that made you think more clearly than you had ever thought before.  That's what I hope I can do for you. I just want to help you turn the light on about Wealth God's Way.  

Now if you don't believe in accumulating wealth, that's ok.

Stop reading. This blog is not for you. 

But if you are one of the ones who know that God has more for you than where you are right now, continue on, pull out your sunglasses and keep reading. You're about to see the light.

I'm going to give you a couple of Scriptures that I want you to ponder on for a while. Might as well jump right in with this one since every body quotes it.  

Luke 18:18-23 18 Now a certain ruler asked Him, saying, “Good Teacher, what shall I do...

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Path To Freedom

Congratulations, beautiful people! 

You are on your path to freedom. You have learned a lot on this journey. But you know what? It's time to leave the land of lack and head out onto your path to freedom.

This path was created for you before you were even born.

Ephesians 1:4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.

Today, the good news is you ain't there yet, but you ain't were you were. Today you are out of the darkness and straight into the light. You are going to create wealth God's way.

How do I know that? Because I'm about to give you a shove into that direction. Question: If God knew you and chose you before the foundation of the world, why are you walking around in poverty?  

I have come to know from experience that it has to do with the thoughts you think. I like to call it a poverty mentality or poverty mindset.

"Your thoughts become your words,
your words become your actions, 

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You Reap What You Sow

Hello, beautiful people!

If you were raised in a Christian home or have been around a Christian ever in your life I'm sure  you have heard it said "You're gonna reap what you sow." Saying it was always of course meant for the bad people that didn't live up to the judgmental religious person's expectations. I may or may not have said the exact same thing a time or two myself. I ain't saying I did, but I ain't saying I didn't.

But enough about me, this is about you. 

Genesis 6:7-10 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the hold of faith.

This scripture is mainly talking about good deeds but it...

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The 7 Promises of God

The 7 Promises of God

Without faith it is impossible for you to please God…

...AND God has given each one of us a measure of faith.


Hebrews 11:6 KJV

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

However, I still see christian people out here operating out of fear. They are afraid to fly, they are afraid to of public speaking, they are afraid of catching the latest virus and the list goes on. 

Do you want to know what they ALL have in common? They don’t take the time to look in the word of God and find out what does God say? Did you know that God wrote an entire chapter on the protection He provides?

I have included the chapter here because some of you have never read it.

Psalm 91

1. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

2. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my...

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Side Hustle Secrets

What Is a Side Hustle?

A side hustle is a way to make money outside of your 8 to 5 job. Most people start a side hustle to make more money, hoping it will give them the freedom to pursue their passions, buy things they need or want, and hopefully take off some of the financial pressure.

Most people start a side hustle to make a couple extra bucks a month, but if the side hustle is done correctly it can turn out to be more lucrative than the 8 to 5.

There are some little known secrets to working a side hustle and possibly turning it into the profitable business of your dreams.

It's a common misconception that successful people are selfish and don't want to see others succeed, and that they want to keep you down. The truth is that most successful people don't mind you knowing the secrets of a successful business, they just don't have the time to teach you.

That's where I come in, teaching you how to create, maintain and succeed with your own business is what I have been called to...

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Can We Agree On This?

I used to be somewhat addicted to a day time TV talk show where a Doctorr was the host. His speciality was in diagnosing and treating people with mental illnesses, addictions and gross, outlandish behaviors.

What reeled me in like a fish on a hook was his ability to find some common ground that he and the patient could come into agreement on. 

The agreement wasn’t ever a dramatic agreement like, “Do you agree you are crazy and we need to lock you up right now!” 

It was always a soft and enduring agreement. An example he might say to a drug addict would be approached this way, “You are physically sick and you need immediate medical attention. Can we agree on this?”

He knew that if they found a common thing to agree on then it was easier to get them to agree to the treatment.

                         Aren’t we funny as humans?

We go about our everyday lives thinking that...

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7 SURPRISING Signs ā€ØThat You Might Be An Entrepreneurā€Ø

I meet a lot of people who want to be an entrepreneur, but don’t really know if they have what it takes to be a good one.

See, the first thing you have to understand about being an entrepreneur is that you aren’t really working for yourself.  You are working for the clients or customers that you want to buy your product or service. You’ll have to build a business from the ground up all the while understanding that it’s not what you like but what draws in the consumer. Sure, the sacrifices will be huge…but so are the rewards.

Lots of people are attracted to it. Lots of people give it a try but only true entrepreneurs will endure it.

So if you are thinking you might be an entrepreneur at heart, these seven signs should help you out:


1- Fired from a job?

Are you a man or woman desperate to contribute to a company only to be  frustrated and ignored. You know you could help the company become bigger and better. You have lots and...

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What You Don't Know Can Kill You

What You Don't Know Can Kill You

....and boy do I know that first hand. 

Growing up I was steeped in religion like a tea bag in hot water making sweet tea. No matter what I did, I could never measure up to the "Good Christian" standard. Every goal I accomplished it seem that I still had 10 more to go. 

When I finally reached the age of 40, I had reached my limit. I was miserable. I weighed 260 lbs, I felt horrible, I was angry and depressed. I felt desperate and hopeless. All religion had left me with was looking forward to the day the rapture took place and took me out of my misery. I used to tell people that the Bible says to love others as you do yourself. I said I do,  I hate others as bad as I hate myself.


It still stings just thinking about that now. It's amazing how badly I wanted to die. I wasn't suicidal, I just wanted all the pain I was in to end.  

I remember I was talking to...

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